Zhang Chuang zhangc@bepc5.ihep.ac.cn
Institute of High Energy
Beijing 100039, China3mm
The Particle Accelerator Society of China (PASC) held its 5-th Member's
Representative Meeting and 6-th National Conference in Chengdu from
October 26
to 28 right after the China-Japan Joint Symposium. There were about
120 participants and 24 invited paper reported in the meetings. The
representative elected the 5-th council of PASC. Prof. S.X. Fang of the
of High Energy Physics was re-elected as the director of the council,
D.H. He of University of Science and Technology, T.L. Yang of the China
Academy of
Atomic Energy, Y.Z. Lin of Tsinghua University and W.J. Zhao of Beijing
University were elected as deputy directors, Prof. S.H. Wang of Institute
of High Energy Physics was re-elected as the Secretary General. Prof.
also heads the Beam Dynamics Panel of PASC. It is believed that under the
guidance of the new board of directors, the PASC will play an active role in
the development of accelerators in China and promote the collaboration
with ICFA and its Beam Dynamics Panel.