A. Ogata ogata@kekvax.kek.jp
This is a brief and preliminary announcement of the 13th Advanced ICFA Beam
Dynamics Workshop on 2nd Generation Plasma Accelerators. It is organized as
The first announcement will be done in January 1997. The WWW home page will be prepared soon: http://www-acc-theory.kek.jp/ICFA/plasma.html
First announcement of the
14th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on
Frascati, October 20-25, 1997
Luigi Palumbo lpalumbo@frascati.infn.it
Organised by:
INFN, and
Univ. Rome "La Sapienza".
Sponsored by:
INP, and
The workshop is aimed at the accelerator physics community working on the development, commissioning or design of high luminosity electron positron colliders with particular regard to phi, B and tau-charm factories and to LEP and CESR colliders.
The primary goal of this workshop is to discuss on the beam dynamics issues related to the high luminosity. To this end there will be four working groups sessions on the following subjects:
Participants willing to present a poster or an oral contribution in the working groups sessions, are kindly request to give the title of the presentation, and the choice of the group in the www registration form, that will be soon activated.
A. Ando (Himeji Inst. Techn./SPRING8), V.I.Balbekov (IHEP:Protovino), P. Chen (SLAC), P. Colestock (Fermilab), J. Dorfan (SLAC), K. Hirata (KEK), A. Hofmann (CERN), C.S. Hsue (SRRC), J.M. Jowett (CERN), S. Kurokawa (KEK), J.L. Laclare (ESRF), A.N. Lebedev (LPI), S.Y. Lee (Indiana Univ.), H. Mais (DESY), L. Palumbo (Univ. Rome/LNF-INFN), C. Pellegrini (UCLA), E.A. Perelstein (JINR), D. Pestrikov (BINP), R.H. Siemann (SLAC), A. Skrinsky (BINP), S.H. Wang (IHEP:Beijing), and C. Zhang (IHEP:Beijing).
S. Chattopadhyay (LBNL), N. Dikansky (BINP), K. Hirata (KEK), J. Jowett (CERN), S. Kamada (KEK), J. Le Duff (LAL), L. Palumbo (Univ. Rome/INFN-LNF), E.A. Perelstein (JINR), D. Pestrikov (BINP), J. Seeman (SLAC), D. Rice (CESR), R. Ruth (SLAC), G. Vignola (INFN-LNF), C. Zhang (IHEP), F. Zimmermann (SLAC), and M. Zisman (LBNL).
S. Guiducci, L. Palumbo (coordinator), M. Preger, M. Serio, and G. Vignola (Chairman). all from INFN-LNF.