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- 1
- G. Vignola et al., LNF-96/033 (P), presented at
- 2
- F. Sannibale et al., LNF-96/033 (P), presented at
- 3
- K.Hirata and M.Zobov, LNF-96/033 (P), presented at
- 4
- D. N. Shatilov, Part. Acc. 52, 65 (1996).
- 5
- S. De Santis, M. Migliorati, L. Palumbo, M. Zobov,
Physical Rev. E, 54, 1996.
- 6
- S. De Santis, L. Palumbo, Dafne Techn. note G-41,
to appear on Physical Rev. E.
- 7
- M. Migliorati, L. Palumbo, M. Zobov, "Study of
microwave instability for DAFNE accumulator ring" to appear on the
proceedings of the workshop "Nonlinear and collective phenomena in
beam physics", Arcidosso, 1996.
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, No. 11, August 1996