ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, No. 12
Edited by: K. Hirata, J.M. Jowett, S.Y.Lee
December 1996
From the chairman
Letters to the Editors
From M. Tigner
Inverse Logarithmic Extraporation of Survival Plots in Hadron Colliders
Activity Reports
Beam Dynamics Activity at SRRC
The Japanese Beam Physics Club and Its Recent Activities
Particle Accelerator Society of China
A Report on the Review Meeting for the Beijing Tau-Charm Factory
European Collaboration on Nonlinear Problems in Beam Dynamics and Transport
A Collaboration of IHEP and KEK on Beam Dynamics
Status of DAFNE Project and Beam Dynamics Activities at LNF
Beam Dynamics Activities at CERN
Experimental Study of Beam Dynamics on VEPP-4M Storage Ring.
Commissioning of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source
Studies of Space-Charge Dominated Beams at the University of Maryland
Beam Dynamics Activities at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab)
Review of Beam Dynamics Problems
Status and Problems of Plasma Accelerators
Quantum Aspects in Beam Physics-Where is the
Workshop Reports
12th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics
1996 Computational Accelerator Physics Conference
The 6-th China-Japan Joint Symposium on Accelerators for Nuclear Science and Their Applications
LHC96 - International Workshop on High Brightness Beams for Large Hadron Colliders
Announcements of Forthcoming Beam Dynamics Events
THE XVI RCNP OSAKA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on Multi-GeV High-Performance Accelerators and Related Technology
Web Course on Accelerator Physics
Announcement of
Collider Mini-Workshops
Announcements of the Beam Dynamics Panel
Advanced ICFA beam Dynamics Workshops
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter
World-Wide Web
ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel Members
About this document ...
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, No. 11, August 1996