M. Reiser mreiser@glue.umd.edu
J. G. Wang jgwang@plasma.umd.edu
Institute for Plasma Research
Univ. of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742, USA3mm
1 Introduction\
An active research program has been conducted in the Institute for Plasma
Research, University of Maryland, to study the physics of space-charge
dominated beams for advanced accelerator applications. We have been
employing low energy (up to 10 keV), high perveance (up to 1.4
) electron beams in experiments to investigate the
space-charge effects in beams. The main facility has been a 5-m long
transport channel focused by 36 short solenoids. \
In the past our theoretical investigations of the collective effects in high current beams included the thermodynamic beam model, the emittance growth due to free energy (beam mismatch, etc.), the longitudinal instability, the image effect and geometry factor in bunched beams, etc. [1-7]\
In experiments on the transverse beam dynamics we launched a five-beamlet configuration and studied the emittance growth and halo formation due to charge homogenization and rms mismatch. [8-10] Comparison of the measurements with theoretical predictions and computer simulations showed excellent agreement. \
The longitudinal beam dynamics experiments involved pulse
compression and the propagation of space-charge waves.
We investigated the longitudinal particle distribution in
parabolic and rectangular bunches, the reconstruction of an
eroded rectangular bunch, the generation of single (fast or slow)
space-charge waves, the geometry factor due to perturbation in
space-charge dominated beams, and the reflection of space-charge
waves at bunched beam ends. [11-17]
2 On-going experimental programs\
There are three on-going experimental programs, namely, the experiment on the resistive-wall instability, the experiment on longitudinal energy spread, and the experiment on bending space-charge dominated beams. \
The resistive-wall instability experiment is performed in a transport channel made of a glass tube with resistive coating and a co-axial long solenoid for transverse focusing. Electron beams with localized perturbations are generated in a gridded electron gun and transported through the channel. The experiment has clearly demonstrated the growth of slow waves and the decay of fast waves. The growth/decay rates are measured in the long wavelength limit and are compared with theory. Good agreement has been found. [18,19] The experiment is still in progress to study the beam quality deterioration due to the instability; this entails the measurement of the longitudinal beam energy spread and transverse emittance associated with the perturbed particle distribution in both the fast and slow waves.\
The experiment on longitudinal energy spread has been performed
to study the energy distribution along parabolic and rectangular
bunches, and within localized space-charge waves. All of these
measurements agree with theory. In addition, we are studying the
longitudinal energy spread of a beam generated in a thermionic
electron gun. Especially, we would like to see if and how
relaxation of the temperature anisotropy
() via Coulomb
collisions (the Boersch effect) and collective mechanisms plays
a role in increasing the energy spread. This research is in
In progress is also a new experiment to study the beam transport in a
printed-circuit-quadruple channel with bending elements.
This research is not only an essential part of our electron
ring project described in the next section, but also an
independent beam physics study. The goal of the experiment
is to investigate the possible energy spread and emittance
growth in bending of space-charge dominated beams. [20]
3 Design and development of an electron recirculator\
A major effort of our current research is the design and
development of a small recirculator for the transport of a
low-energy, highly space-charge dominated electron beam. [21]
The ring will also provide a longer path for the study of beam
dynamics than is available in our existing 5-m long transport
channel. The major issues to be addressed with the ring include
beam transport of currents considerably higher than the
conventional tune-shift limit by fast resonance transversal
in a small number of turns (100), equilibrium bunch
profiles (parabolic, rectangular with ``ears''), bending
and dispersion of space-charge dominated beams,
behavior of localized space charge waves including bunch-end
effects, longitudinal instability with induction modules, etc.
An important goal of the electron ring experiments will be checking
with theory and computer simulation codes.\
Figure shows the ring layout. A 10 keV, 100 mA, 30-75 ns
electron beam from an electron gun will be injected into the ring (after
transverse/longitudinal matching) with the aid of a pulsed,
Panofsky-type quadruple system. The ring design is based on
a ``wound-up'' linear FODO channel. Transverse focusing will be
provided by 70 printed-circuit quadruples (plus two Panofsky quads
of special design). Three induction/rf gaps will be used for
longitudinal focusing. A pulsed extraction system similar to
the injector will be included for beam analysis. Other diagnostics
along the ring include fast beam position/current monitors, energy
analyzers, and phosphor screen images. The ring main parameters are
summarized in Table 1. The design of the ring is being developed with
the collaboration of T. Godlove (FMT) and R. York (Michigan State
Figure 3.1: General layout of the electron recirculator
The University of Maryland proposed electron ring represents an exciting
opportunity to study the transport of highly space-charge dominated
beams. Potential applications are for circular accelerators requiring
intense pulses. These include high-energy physics booster synchrotrons,
muon colliders, spallation sources, drivers for heavy-ion inertial
fusion and free electron lasers.