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Kichiji Hatanaka
This symposium is scheduled to be held at Osaka University from March 12
to 14, 1997. It is hosted by RCNP (Research Center for Nuclear Physics),
Osaka University. The symposium covers the field of circular accelerators
and related technology
for sub-GeV to multi-GeV energy region from the viewpoint of realization of
high performance.
Subjects (tentative) to be discussed will include
- Multi-GeV Particle Accelerators and Colliders
- Electron Cooling, Stochastic Cooling and Others
- Performance and Perspectives of Operating Multi-GeV Accelerators
- Future Projects in Multi-GeV Energy Region
- Superconducting and Normal Magnets
- Lattice and Beam Dynamics
- Power Supply
- RF Accelerating System
- Beam Performance and Beam Diagnostics
- Injection and Extraction
- Internal Targets
For further information please contact
- Prof. Kichiji Hatanaka
- c/o Ms. C. Sano
- Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
- 10-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki 567, Osaka, Japan
- E-mail:
- Fax: +81-6-879-8899
- WWW: multigev/
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, No. 11, August 1996