Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshops
38th |
Laser-Beam Interactions and Laser and Plasma Accelerators
(LBI-LPA 2005) |
National Taiwan University, Taipai, Taiwan |
December 12-16, 2005 |
37th |
Future Light Sources 2006 |
DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
May 15-19, 2006 |
36th |
Nanobeam 2005 |
Uji campus of Kyoto Univ, Japan |
October 17-21, 2005 |
35th |
Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams
(jointly sponsored with the ICFA Advanced and Novel Accelerator Panel) |
Erice, Sicily, Italy |
October 9-14, 2005 |
34th |
High Power Superconducting Ion, Proton, and Multi-Species Linacs (HPSL2005) |
Northern Illinois Univ, USA |
May 22-24, 2005 |
33rd |
High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams "HB2004" |
Bensheim/Darmstadt, Germany |
October 18–22, 2004 |
32nd |
Energy Recovering Linacs (ERL2005) |
Newport News, USA |
March 19 - 23, 2005 |
31st |
Electron Cloud Effects "ECLOUD04" |
Napa, California, USA |
April 19-23, 2004 |
30th |
e+e- Factories 2003 |
Stanford, California, USA |
October 13-16, 2003 |
29th |
Beam Halo Dynamics, Diagnostics, and Collimation (HALO’03)
(included 3rd Workshop on Beam-beam Interactions.
Proceedings published by the American Institute of Physics.) |
Long Island, New York, USA |
May 19-23, 2003 |
28th |
3rd workshop on Quantum Aspects of Beam Dynamics
Joint sponsorship with ICFA panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators). |
Hiroshima, Japan |
January 6-11, 2003 |
27th |
The Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams |
near Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy |
September 20-25 2002 |
26th |
Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams |
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
September 2-6, 2002 |
25th |
Symposium on Intermediate Energy Light Sources |
Shanghai, China |
September 24-26, 2001 |
24th |
Future Light Sources |
Spring 8 site, Kouto, Japan |
May 1-4, 2002 |
23rd |
High Luminosity e+e- Colliders |
Cornell University, Ithaca, USA |
October 15-20, 2001 |
22nd |
Ground Motion in Future Accelerators |
November 6 - 9, 2000 |
21st |
Laser-Beam Interactions |
Stony Brook, USA |
June 11-15, 2001 |
20th |
High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams |
Fermilab, USA |
April 8-12, 2002 |
19th |
X ray free electron lasers and their applications
(Proceeding) |
Aercidosso, Italy |
Sept 11-15,2000 |
18th |
Quantum Aspects of Beam Dynamics |
Capri, Italy |
October 15-19, 2000 |
17th |
Concepts for Future Light Source |
Argonne, Illinois, USA |
April 6-9, 1999 |
16th |
Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics |
Arcidosso, Italy |
1998 |
15th |
Quantum Aspects in Beam Physics |
Monterey, California, USA |
January 4-9, 1998 |
14th |
Beam Dynamics Issues in e+e- Factories |
Frascati (Rome), Italy |
October 20-25, 1997 |
13th |
2nd Generation Plasma Accelerators |
Kyoto, Japan |
1997 |
12th |
Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics |
Arcidosso, Italy |
1996 |
11th |
Beam Cooling and Instability Damping |
Moscow/Nizhny Novgoro |
1996 |
10th |
4th Generation Light Source |
Grenoble, France |
January 22-25, 1996 |
9th |
Beam Dynamics and Technology Issues for µ+ µ- Colliders |
Montauk, NewYork, USA |
October 15-20, 1995 |
8th |
Space Charge Dominated Beams and High Brightness Beams for Advanced Applications |
Indiana, USA |
Oct. 11-13, 1995 |
7th |
Beam-Beam Issues for Multibunch, High-Luminosity Colliders |
Dubna |
May 18-20, 1995 |
6th |
Synchro-Betatron Resonances |
Madeira |
1993 |
5th |
Effects of Errors in Accelerators, their Diagonosis and Corrections |
Corpus Christi, TX, USA |
1991 |
4th |
Collective Effects in Short Bunches |
KEK, Japan |
September 24-29,1990 |
3rd |
Beam-Beam Effects in Circular Colliders |
Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk |
May 29-June 3, 1988 |
2nd |
Aperture-Related Limitations of the Performance and Beam Lifetime in Storage Rings |
Lugano, Switzerland |
April 11 -16, 1988 |
1st |
Production of Low-Emittance Electron and Positron Beams |
Brookhaven, USA |
March 20-25, 1987 |